.. _pypago_requirements: ============ Requirements ============ .. index:: Python 2.7 Prior to using |pypago|, the user must install Python and the libraries that are listed in :numref:`t_lib`. These packages can be installed by using package managers (:command:`Synaptic`, :command:`apt`, :command:`macport`, :command:`fink`). .. _t_lib: .. list-table:: List of the Python libraries used in |pypago| :header-rows: 1 * - Library - Website * - :py:mod:`numpy` - http://www.numpy.org/ * - :py:mod:`matplotlib` - http://matplotlib.org/ * - :py:mod:`netCDF4` - https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/ * - :py:mod:`mpl_toolkits.basemap` - http://matplotlib.org/basemap/ New Python users are invited to use the `Anaconda Scientific Python distribution `_, which automatically installs Python and the most used libraries, among which :py:mod:`numpy`, :py:mod:`matplotlib` and :py:mod:`netCDF4`. The :py:mod:`mpl_toolkits.basemap` library, which is not included in the default Anaconda distribution, can be installed by using the :command:`conda` command as follows: .. code-block:: bash conda install basemap