Scientific diagnostics ################################################## .. warning:: These functions work, at this time, only for z-coordinate models (NEMO for instance). But they can provide some ideas on diagnostics. Section transports ********************************* The :py:mod:`pypago.secdiag` module contains several functions to compute transport across gridded sections. .. note:: The total tracer transport must be equal to overturning + barotropic + baroclinic tracer transports: TOT = OVT + BAR + BC A complete example of transport calculations is shown below: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ .. ipython:: python import os cwd = os.getcwd() print(cwd) fpath = "examples/" with open(fpath) as f: code = compile(, fpath, 'exec') exec(code) .. figure:: _static/figs/heat_transport.png :align: center Example of heat transport calculations. .. _budgets_calc: Volume/Surface integration over domains ******************************************* The :py:mod:`pypago.areadiag` module contains several functions in order to perform volume and surface integrations. These functions can be used for instance to tracer budgets calculations over closed domains In the example below, a heat budget calculation is performed over a closed domain, as in :cite:`Barrier2015`. It is based on the following equations: .. math:: :label: eqn_hb1 h_c = \rho_0 C_p \left(\iiint_V T\ dx\ dy\ dz + \iint_{S_a} SST\ \eta\ dx\ dy \right) with :math:`\rho_0` and :math:`C_p` the reference density and heat capacity of sea-water, :math:`T` the three-dimensional temperature, :math:`S_a` the surface of the water volume :math:`V` that is in contact with the atmosphere, :math:`SST` and :math:`\eta` the sea-surface temperature and sea-surface height.with :math:`\rho_0` and :math:`C_p` the reference density and heat capacity of sea-water, :math:`T` the three-dimensional temperature, :math:`S_a` the surface of the water volume :math:`V` that is in contact with the atmosphere, :math:`SST` and :math:`\eta` the sea-surface temperature and sea-surface height. .. math:: :label: eqn_hb2 \frac{\partial h_c}{\partial t} = {\iint_{S_a} Q_{net}\ dx\ dy}+{\rho_0 C_p \iint_{S_{o}} [U T]\ dl\ dz} + \varepsilon with :math:`Q_{net}` the net (latent, sensible, shortwave and longwave) surface heat fluxes, :math:`S_o` the outline surface of volume :math:`V` and :math:`[UT]` the ocean heat transport. The first term on the right-hand side of equation :eq:`eqn_hb2` represents the contribution of surface heat fluxes to changes in ocean heat content. In the following, a positive contribution implies that the ocean is warmed by the atmosphere (i.e. surface heat fluxes are, by convention, positive downwardwith :math:`Q_{net}` the net (latent, sensible, shortwave and longwave) surface heat fluxes, :math:`S_o` the outline surface of volume :math:`V` and :math:`[UT]` the ocean heat transport. The first term on the right-hand side of equation :eq:`eqn_hb2` represents the contribution of surface heat fluxes to changes in ocean heat content. In the following, a positive contribution implies that the ocean is warmed by the atmosphere (i.e. surface heat fluxes are, by convention, positive downward) .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ .. ipython:: python import os cwd = os.getcwd() print(cwd) fpath = "examples/" with open(fpath) as f: code = compile(, fpath, 'exec') exec(code) .. figure:: _static/figs/heat_budget.png :align: center Example of heat transport calculations.