Plotting ################################################## Drawing gridded sections ********************************* The drawing of gridded sections is achived by using the :py:func:`pypago.plot.plot_dom_mask` function. It is done as follows: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ .. ipython:: python import os cwd = os.getcwd() print(cwd) fpath = "examples/" with open(fpath) as f: code = compile(, fpath, 'exec') exec(code) .. figure:: _static/figs/plot_dom_mask.png :align: center Results of grid, gridded section and domain plotting Drawing data sections ********************************* The drawing of data on gridded sections is achived by using the :py:func:`pypago.plot.pcolplot` (for *pcolor* plots) and :py:func:`pypago.plot.contourplot` functions. It is done as follows: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ .. ipython:: python import os cwd = os.getcwd() print(cwd) fpath = "examples/" with open(fpath) as f: code = compile(, fpath, 'exec') exec(code) .. figure:: _static/figs/section_temp.png :align: center Plotting of mean temperature on gridded section .. figure:: _static/figs/section_vel.png :align: center Plotting of mean velocity on gridded section